Sorry -- but I'm still complaining

Hi Everybody,

SORRY -- but I still have major complaints.
I also have a brilliant solution.

Enormous amount of wasted white space.
Too much stumbling around to get anywhere or to return.
Double space when I hit enter.  That's the worst.  I have never seen it anywhere else.
Too much irrelevant stuff on most pages
I can't read the tiny print.  I don't like blue type.
I don't  like to  use blue arrows to see more posts.  I want them on one screen.  If the screen fills up, then scrolling down should get me more posts.  That's how it's done everywhere else.
I don"t know who is replying to who.
I don't know when I have read all posts in a thread.
etc.  etc.  etc. 

SOLUTION (of sorts)
This solution was worked out by an electrical engineer (me) so it hits the head right on the nail
If a modern programming language -- like Microsoft Visual C# -- was used it should not be a big deal to implement.  Visual C# separates the layout from the "code behind" so there should not be any significant changes in the program code.

Here it is !

Opening a post should show a similar layout except that the center column is replaced by the post.
Again, this layout or something equally simple should not be a big deal to implement if a modern programming language was used.


  • Phil1923 said:
    Double space when I hit enter.  That's the worst.  I have never seen it anywhere else.

    It is not actually creating two line feeds, it is generating a proper paragraph break. But the extra space definition for the <p> style is excessive:

    harryLondon Sun, Nov 23 2014 12:40 said:


    I notice there are still a few people complaining about too much white space.

    I'm guessing that the main problem is the space between paragraphs. Currently they have margin: 1.5em 0 which could be reduced:

    Whether the choice should be 1.0 or 0.5 em is probably just a matter of personal preference. It certainly shouldn't be any less than 0.5. But I agree, 1.5em is well over the top.

    The list item style seems a bit weird too, with the text itself spaced out more than the body text. I'm guessing that <li> should have line-height:1.2em the same as <p> and margin: 0.5em 0; to put a bit of space between the items rather than the consecutive lines of text -- but firefox debugger is mysteriously not letting me edit these to confirm.

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