Feature Request: Alt+Shift = Reversed Shift order

I'd like an alternative ordering to the usual shift during selections. It would be very convenient when trimming for example, like when I'm drawing something and I'd like to trim other curves from the curve selected. Right now, you have to repeatedly deselect, select the curve to trim from first, then the curve that gets trimmed. Sometimes, the reverse option is simply more convenient (in fact, that's the usual case for me) - where you select the curve that needs to be trimmed first, then the curve that will do the trimming.

Another situation would be positioning. Sometimes I'm working on the curve that needs to be centered into, and I want to center say, some text into it. It would be more convenient if the something like an Alt+Shift option would exist that reverses the usual Shift behaviour. And even more ideally, being able to customize this Shift behaviour from document settings or something of the sort.

Edit. I've currently made this since I've assumed there's currently no difference between Shift and Alt+Shift behaviours. Please correct me if that's not the case.

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