Loading slow when opening files

Hey everyone.  Anyone know why my files are now taking a long time to open?  They are not big in size, and my computer is brand new w/an Intel I5 processor.  Things have been running smoothly, so I don't know what the problem is.

I know that before if I copied too many things to the clipboard, eventually it would slow down opening and pasting stuff.  Is there a place to allocate more memory?  And is there a place to reset the clipboard when I do copy and paste a lot?


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  • One Solution....

    Once the file opened Successfully then

    1.Copy all objects with ctrl + A,

    2.Create a new document

    3.Paste which is copied in step 1

    4.Save the file in little new changed file name on same folder.

    5.After saved the new file, Close and reopen.

    6.New file size reduced and opens quickly.

    7.Delete the old file to save disk space.

    8.Created New File is error free now.


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