Hi, I give you case:
I am doing this work of converting an image to vector in quick trace mode, what I need is to have the outline to the same colour as given to all the fill objects.
I have been doing it one by one but there all lots of different colours, script is in order here!!!!
Any help appreciated.
This will work assign a hairline to every shape on the page, grouped or not, and assign it the same fill color as the shape itself.
Hope it helps. I hate tideous jobs...lol
Sub fillAndOutlineColorSame()'''''by John GDG ''''''''''Apr,29,2010''''''Dim s As Shape, sr As ShapeRangeDim col As New ColorSet sr = ActivePage.FindShapes() For Each s In sr With s If .Fill.Type = cdrUniformFill Then col.CopyAssign .Fill.UniformColor .Outline.Width = 0.003 .Outline.Color.CopyAssign col End If End With Next sEnd Sub
I am going to try it right now, lets see if I can figure the script out in Corel, lol
Never done it before.
Should be fun.
Here's a getting started link. I recommend make one gms called, say, "myMacros" and put all you code chunks in it in separate modules.
Hey guys, there is already a macro available at macromonster.com for this exact task
See that
Thank you John and Aleem for your input.
This is one area that I have never touched so I will put time into it as the results are quiet rewarding.