Corel Draw is soooooo wonderful that.....

 This useless joke of a software crashed 6 no 8 times today 5 times friday 4 or 5 times on thursday I dont care to think about the beggining of last week. YEAH THIS SOFTWARE IS WONDERFUL Makes me wonder what the hell Im using it for.... Oh yeah I dont have a choice. Laughable huh? Yeah whats more.... EVERYONE blames my system HA! My system is solid. Strange how CORELDRAW WAS CRAP on 3 other machines and countless versions except 12. Version 7 and up to X4 Suck...... whats the X for ?10?  NO its a warning LOL!!!!

I dont require a reply. Just needed to express my frustration and let those who are not familiar with Corel know to think twice before Blowing thier hard earned $$$$$$

Suport? what suport hahahahah

Parents Reply
  • Andy,
    This is a link to an article about "updated" drivers. May or may not have a bearing...I'm thinking video card.

    <Edward Thurston> wrote in message


    128mb isn`t the end of the world. Did a box layout  and the file (bitmaps, transparencies, vector and text) was over 325MB with files saved as .cdr and .ai. in both RGB and CYMK versions and converted to .jpg clip mask segments from the .cdr file to the client for viewing. My biggest "nuisance" (but a God sent necessity) was the Auto Backup every 20 minutes. More than once did I think the program had locked up untill I saw the Progress Bar moving. Had one "crash" in X3 but none so far in X4 while using thst file.

    My worst problem (in X3....hasn't happened in X4) was, when having multiple 14mb (12-16 images) camera images on the screen at the same time, resaving the multi image document because about 10% of the time I had one of the bitmaps mysteriously changed to a .eps file format. I got the "Error when saving" window and would have to click on all the bitmaps to find the bum one and convert it back to a bitmap. Never found out why that happened.

    I've had problems, like everyone else, and the program has shut down ( only once with X4 so far...when my answering machine came on during an auto backup of that 325mb file) But I've never experienced ( 4 computers, Win 95 to XP, corel V4,6,9,10 -short lived-,11,X3,X4) but never anything like the problems that Andy has described. 

    BTW: Andy.......Are you running Corel from separate installs on each the office computers or from a common (network server) source ? Installs from disc or download ?



    Edward Thurston
