Document Palette

I have shut down X5 until SP1 because of all the constant problems that everyone else seems to be having as well, but I really do like the Document Palette. Is there a macro or work around or . . . ? that would work in X4 to simulate the Document Palette?

Thank You


    • Hi.

      Thats a pretty good idea.

      You could create a shortcut or shortcut icon to these simple subs for x4. One adds colors, and one deletes em. I would of made it more automatic but there's a few bugs that would mess with it. (involving Palette.DuplicatePresent and Palettes.CreateFromDocument with pantones just in case anyone wants to look into it.)

      ' Module    : GDG
      ' Author    : John Johnson
      ' Website   :
      ' Date      : 5/20/2010
      ' Purpose   :

      Option Explicit

      Private Sub resetPalette()
          On Error Resume Next
          Dim pal As Palette, i As Integer
          Set pal = Palettes("docPal")
              If pal.Colors.Count > 0 Then
                  For i = pal.Colors.Count To 1 Step -1
                      pal.RemoveColor i
                  Next i
              End If

      End Sub

      Private Sub createDocPal()

          Dim docPal As Palette
          Dim col As Color
          Dim s As Shape
          Dim pass As Boolean
          Dim i As Integer
          pass = False
          If Not ActiveDocument Is Nothing Then
              Set docPal = Palettes.CreateFromDocument("docPal", "C:\docPal.cpl", True)
           End If
      End Sub

