
I recently upgraded to X5 from Suite 11, my OS is Vista.

How does one view/access the symbols.  In Draw I have the Symbols manager open and have tried to locate/view/add symbols to no avail.

I have tried to view/locate/access symbols in Connect, also to no avail, searching in the hard drive and on the DVD.

This must be so simple that I am over thinking the process.  Can someone be so kind as to help me??


Stanwood, WA

  • From the menu: Text->Insert Symbol Character. This will bring up the Insert Symbol Docker. (Another way to bring up the docker is Ctrl+F11)

    • This tutorial was written with an older version of CorelDRAW, but the information is still the same. Only the name of the Docker has changed.
      • Thanks to the both of you.  The article worked very well for me and I am grateful!!

        I want to do more with X5 than I did with 11, in 11 I mostly drew up plans for my woodworking projects.  X5 seems pretty awesome, I am glad I held out as long as I did before upgrading.

        I will probably be back with many more questions!!   Thank you so much!!

        Janice in Sunny Stanwood, WA