Export dose not respect: Maintain size.

Export is weird, maintain size is checked but it dose not give the proper size.

My page size is 922x1344, but the image exported is half that size.


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  • kjub said:

    thx for answer inbetween I figured it out

    ctrl+n > why do you have to enter a resolution ? ...... to ...... pixels ? when afterwards te exported jpg,png etc is not in the size that was set by entering the ctrl+n popup ? but the jpg resolution is acording to the content ?

    but I figured out solving that by each end evertry time to add an empty rectangle as the background ...

    For those that don't know: 3 things are needed to set an image: resolution (dpi), size (mm, cm..) and pixels. Two of them are always corelated but which ones it is your choice regarding what u need.

    If u set size (in mm for ex.) and dpi, pixels will be automatically set. If u set pixels and and mm, dpi will be automatically set.

    So, Kjub don't assume what should be as must but give options if u have them.

    There are too many variables to set to get what u want so there is no only one answer. First thing is to find out what is done wrong in procedure.

    For example, if u didn't mark "Maintain original size" u can have all sorts of finals. What if size percentages aren't set correctly? What will happen than if not size different from one u want...