Moving from Photoshop to CorelDraw - keyboard shortcuts.

I am considering a move from Photoshop and Illustrator to Photo-Paint and CorelDraw. My biggest hurdle is that I use the spacebar for panning around a document and CTRL-Spacebar for zooming.


Can the Corel products be set up to use the spacebar for a pan hand?





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  • I use CorelDRAW and Adobe Photoshop at work and at home... They work "ok" together, and if you don't mind working with mostly eps files, they work great together....I love the space bar panning in PS...but in CorelDRAW it is very handy to swap tools with the space.

    Don't be afraid to continue using Photoshop....but CorelDRAW is 10 times a better program than Illustrator.

    My personal opinion....Photo-Paint should have taken some pointers from Photoshop....can't beat PS
