Bevel Effect

Hi All,

Love Corel, but only know the basics I guess.

I have used a bevel effect on a company name for a banner (3m x 1m). When I publish it to .pdf the bevel effect is extremely pixilated. I have made the bitmaps (in .pdf settings) 600dpi to try and help, but this does nothing.

I can only use .pdf on our printer RIP....


please help!


Thanks in advance.

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  • I think the best thing is to reconstruct the bevel by hand, because CD when it exports to PDF it breaks down the effect and it is at a low resolution.


    Another thing that you could do is. Enlarge your bevel to 1000% (effect to: ex: 3x1 becomes 30x10) then break the effect and rescale to 100%


    David B.

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