Can someone please help me? I'm fairly new to CorelDraw and my boss got on my computer yesterday and now my menu bar at the top is gone. I can't figure out how to get it back and the only way I can really function is by using the hotkeys that I already have learned.
Right click on the Tool Bar area and when the pop-up menu appears, put a checkmark by the Menu Bar.
I right clicked and it does not say menu bar on it. It shows view and when I went to it, it shows several other bars, but not the one I want. I want the one shows basic commands like edit, paragraph, help etc.
Here you go
Can you be more specific in what you have lost Rachel? It sounds as tho' it's the text tool bar but Hughs method should show you all the tool bars tho' you can customise them
I think this is what Hugh meant: