Cannot copy and paste text from one page to another

For some reason i can no longer copy and paste text from one page to another properly.

I write the text out as normal (not using a text box) but when i copy and then try to past to another page it then does several other things.

It changes the font and cap height, puts it onto a text box and centres it on the page?


If i copy and paste text along with an object (say a simple box) everything copies and pastes perfectly, just not text on its own

  • sg_williams said:
    I write the text out as normal (not using a text box)

    So, this is "Artistic Text" (as Corel describes it), as distinct from "Paragraph" text.

    But you are getting paragraph text when you paste.

    I think probably you have selected some or all characters from the original object (highlighting them using the text tool). That works, but before you paste to the new page, you have to click with the text tool in the place where you want the pasted characters to appear.

    The easier way is to select the text object with the pick tool. If you do that, the text object (not just the characters in it) will be copied to the clipboard and the paste will be another artistic text object.


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