Problems with Outlining

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      • it is square on the screen and square when printed

        • Then I think your pen shape may be the problem.

          This is for X6, but X5 should have something similar:

          If the stretch is anything other than 100% then it will create outlines that differ in the horizontal and vertical directions. Set it back to 100% and they should be equal.


          • Thanks, that fixed that problem,still have some other issues about outlining sharped serifed letters, sharp corners usually at the top of the letters and cut off at an angle on the bottom of the letters. By chance would you know how to make that consistent so the outline fits the sharp serif.


            Your help has been and is greatly appreciated.



            • I will guess you are getting long spikes on those sharp corners. But you can fix those, either by reducing the miter limit or by setting the corners to round.