PaintShop vs Painter vs Photopaint

Hey everyone,

I was just curious of the difference between these three paint programs. Painter looks awesome but I already have photopaint. Is it really that much different?


  • I work professionally on a daily basis as an illustrator, using CorelDRAW, PHOTO-PAINT and Corel PAINTER . I use both a Wacom pen tablet, a real sketchbook and pencils and markers etcetera, and I use photographs and scanned images and objects when making mixed media/coallges.

    I draw and paint in Corel PAINTER
    I draw and paint in PHOTO-PAINT

    I dont use CMYK in Corel PAINTER

    If I like to mimic real life oil and acrylic painting, I use Corel PAINTER
    If I like to draw and paint any sort of comic/Graphic Novel style - I easily use BOTH Corel PAINTER & Corel PHOTO-PAINT

    If I work with photographs for image editing, I use PHOTO-PAINT
    If I work with photographs as part of a design & illustraion, mixed media etcetra, I use 9/10 Corel PHOTO-PAINT.

    Here is an image I could easily have done using BOTH Corel PHOTO-PAINT and Corel PAINTER - but I used PHOTO-PAINT solely.
    I used a reference image skect I made in my sketchbook. I placed the sketchbook to the left of the computer, a coffee cup to the rigth - and my WACOM pen tablet in the middle. Infront of my on my laptop I had Corel PHOTO-PAINT and simply worked it.

    I use first PHOTO-PAINT and secondly PAINTER.


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