Not sure which tool to use and how to use it for the effect below:
I am trying to simulate the radiused edge along the curve such that it looks like it is a 3D object raised off the surface with drop-shadow (c). I want to retain the curved line (b) and the 90 degree corners (a) The object has a three-colour graduated fill.
CorelDraw X5.
Any thoughts?
EDIT: I am a bit closer using the contour tool but not quite right yet and I can't add a drop-shadow to a contour group and I want to make the 'white' section a bit wider.:
It takes a few seconds to make it in Photoshop. Maybe in PHOTO-PAINT too…
And some minutes to do it in DRAW. I have created something similar using blends. Here are 4 blend groups. One for each side. They contain variable transparency – from 70-80% for outer shapes to 100% for inner. Top and right groups have white color and transparency in normal mode. Left is black with multiply mode transparency. Bottom has multiply mode too, but its shapes filled with linear gradient 100%black-30%black-100%black (according light direction).
Its structure in wireframe:
When you have bevels created, you can easy change gradient fill applied to basic object as much as you need. And assign drop shadow, of course.
You also can make bevels more smooth if you make outer shapes of blends not such wide as in my example.
Bevel tool in DRAW can make something similar (and do it very fast and easy).But don't properly works with shapes filled by gradients (I wonder why?)
Thanks for your help.