Unwanted Asian fonts in font dropdown list

OK, I know this is certainly a subject that has been chewed over again and again, but I haven't found a solution yet and I was hoping someone could steer me right.

First things first, my OS is Win7 64B (German)  and I'm on Corel X5  v. (also German)

The Problem is, as I'm sure you've guessed, the endless list of Asian, Indian etc fonts that show up in the font drop-down list. At the moment I see that in the list there are almost as many of these, for me, "useless" fonts as there are fonts for my projects, text, decorative and otherwise.

I do not have especially many fonts installed (according to Font Navigator only 93). I let Font Nav install what I need for an older project from the catalog. And BTW these fonts (Batang, Dotum, Gulim, Gungshuh etc etc) don't even show up in Font Nav.

Attempts to delete these fonts directly (and yes I would have a copy of the folder on a backup disc to be safe)  are useless. Trying to take ownership of the font file is useless. I've tried to make them "invisible" in the Windows fonts control center (they are greyed out there) but NOTHING makes them vanish from my Corel font drop down list.

I did find in internet one suggestion that I remove the fonts in question (with a safety backup) from

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts [location may vary with Win 7 version]

The quote was: "I searched Windows with RedEdit and found a list of fonts at:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts [location may vary with Win 7 version]

Deleting the unwanted fonts by deleting its module in the right-hand panel removes the font names from the drop down list when working in a document."

but I find that more than a bit risky.

SO -- there are lots of you out there who use Corel a heckuva lot more that I do and certainly in more professional settings than I do (I make posters, websites, and CD & DVD covers for our theater group) and I can't imagine how you can tolerate the irritation of scrolling through all those pointless fonts.






  • Fonts will only show up in the dropdown list if they are installed. It is also not good to overload windows with a large bumber of unnecessary fonts.

    So, one probable answer is to make use of bitstream font manager, which is included in the distribution of all recent versions. If you ensure that c:\windows\fonts has mainly the standard fonts that come pre-installed with windows and put all your other fonts in a different folder and let fontnav manage them. you will see only the fonts you have chosen to install in the font dropdown. Other fonts in the fontnav catalogue will nevertheless be available if you open a file that requires a font that is not permanently installed.

    karen said:
    Attempts to delete these fonts directly ... are useless

    If windows has installed those fonts, then it is probably not a good idea to try to remove them. It is also preferable not to allow fontnav to index c:\windows\fonts because it too should not remove them. But it sounds like you have more of them than me. I've never seen so many to be worried by them.

    Perhaps you have installed arabic or multinational extensions to windows, or some other program that has installed a lot of unwanted fonts ?

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