Tracing bitmaps in X5 ... RUNTIME ERROR

Hi all, i am having trouble with tracing bitmaps to vector in X5.

The problem is still occurring.

In my instance I select trace bmp - outline trace - line art ...     i am presented with a choice to  "reduce bitmap" or "cancel".

If I cancel corel crashes and if I select reduce bitmap then it proceeds to corel autotrace window and performs an initial trace with a default setting. 

I then increase detail to near max and it retraces. If it completes this retrace without crashing then i select ok to return to drawx5. It then crashes.

Hi have updated to .net 4.5.2 , CDGSX5 sp3 and applied hotfix 4.

I have also tried clearing the temp folder after reboot.

What next?





windows 7, Acer  i5 laptop, Coreldraw Graphics Suite X5 sp3


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