Importing pdf into X8 without converting

Hello! Am I wrong or is it  still impossible to "place" pdf file into cdr document, without converting pdf to objects? As many of us , I have to put my customer's add into leaflet, but draw change fonts and lose some objects upon import on a file, that does not need to be changed in any way.  I think, "place pdf" is one of the essential DTP features since ever in whole DTP industry and Draw is unable to deal with it, at least throug straight, ordinary way. Or am I overlooking obvious?

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  • Yes, you're right, it's very useful option but is still not available. With CorelDRAW X8 you and open the PDF with PhotoPaint and save as image, not the best solution but at least a workaround (of copurse, if you have Acrobat you can already save as image too).
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