How to do this in CorelDraw x8

Does anyone know how you would create this in CorelDraw x8?  I have a client that would like something like this with a different word and not sure where to start.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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  • I didn't make this a suggested answer because it's crude (put together in about 10 minutes) and isn't free but the Pointilizer extension should do that with ease. The software offers plenty of customization (for example, reducing the size of the circles) so you should be able to match your example with not too much effort. One of the best parts is that the finished result is vector (not a bitmap) so you can manipulate it further with CDX8. You can find it for purchase under Bitmaps>Plug-Ins>Get More and then select the Extensions tab. I forget the cost, $10 or $15, I think.

    Prior to Pointilizer I would have either:

    - created a matrix of dots and power clipped them in the text/shape (but for the faded effect on the sides it would require a field of progressively smaller circles, offset at 45 degrees)

    - created the text/shape and convert it to a halftone b/w bitmap, with your desired lpi

    Hope there is something useful in there for you :)
