Is there a hotfix/patch that resolves memory usage/performance issues with X8


We recently purchased Corel Draw X8 Suite for two of our users. They are both on Win 7 Pro 64bit, 16g mem, i7,i5. They claim compared to version X6 that memory usage is very high. Eventually their memory will get maxed out and I have no idea what to tell them or how to address it. Yes we could perhaps add more memory, but why wasn't this an issue in older versions? We did run the updater to make sure they have the most current update. is there a patch or fix we have to install manually?

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  • Hi Brian,

    It's a very old problem in Corel DRAW.
    It's called a Memory Leak. Actually, the problem is that unused memory is not being disabled rather than leaking.
    It's a very difficult bug to find.

    While waiting for a Corel fix, you can help matters by:
    1. Set up a huge Virtual Memory. Do a search in Control panel. Then set Virtual Memory to a very sizable proportion of your hard disk.
    2. In RUN, set in %temp%. Delete all contents. Take note of the actual location.
    3. Right click on your C drive in Windows Explorer. Click on Tools. Run Clean up. Especially clean out temp files. They may be holding on to RAM.

    Good luck.
