Cursor / Pointer suddenly tripled in size? How do I make it the normal size?

This morning, I opened a Coreldraw file in X8 and out of the blue, I noticed my cursor/pointer was huge.  I have made no changes, but regardless of the tool I select (Pick tool, shape tool, crop tool, etc.) the cursor or pointer is about 5 to 6 times it's normal size.  It's only when it's in the workspace though.  If I mouse over the tools on the left side or top to select a tool, it goes back to a normal size in those areas, but blows up EXTRA LARGE when I move it back on to the workspace.  I've restarted CorelDraw, rebooted WIndows, rebooted Parallels.  Nothing seems to help.  I've looked in Tools>Options and can't seem to find any sort of adjustment for cursor size.  I tried to changed the workspace to one of the stock workspaces and it didn't help.  I tried to change the "Size" in Tools>Options>Appearance to a smaller size, but it didn't affect the cursor/pointer size at all.  I'm not seeing any change in any other application, only when my cursor is in the CorelDraw workspace.  

Has anyone encountered this or would anyone have any ideas on how I might get the cursor/pointer back to it's normal size?

  • Dear Tryp

    I had this to; I presume you have a Retina display 27 inch and work in Parallels or not?

    In any case it has to do something with the high resolution of the screen you use.

    I work with Parallels and kept looking; changed my settings from "best to retina" to  "best for external display" and it was gone.

    Maybe you can use that as a guideline and if you use Parallels it will be resolved by changing this otherwise look for resolution settings and I will give this to so they can look further on this.

    I will also ask Apple if there are disadvantages and get back with that.

    Good luck 

    Ellen S.

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