Why have my GlobalMacros been locked in X8, and is it related to why I can no longer shut down X8 normally?

I can no longer access my Macros in X8. They are in the correct folder, re: AppData-Roaming, etc. and were working not too long ago. Now, when I expand Visual Basic for Applications, all I see is a little folder with a red lock on it. I assume that is my GlobalMacros folder. Why would this be locked all of a sudden? I was able to access a week ago. If I right click on Visual Basic for Applications and try to load macros from the GMS folder they are located in, I get an error message that says "Unable to load project file". If I right-click on the locked folder, I get a greyed out menu that I cannot use. Incidentally, X8 will no longer shut down properly. Upon opening and closing, the Windows Installer window flashes a few times. But now I cannot close the program without using End Task in Task Manager. This is getting very frustrating!