Can't store Outline as variable using a VBA Macro

Hi. I'm totally new to VBA and Corel Macros, but I'M getting better and better. I usually code in Java or Javascript.

I want to export all (top layer) grouped shapes. But before exporting, i wan't to hide (remove) the outlines (wich match specific colors) and after export i want to apply them again.

What i want from Corel is to loop throu my shapes (wich are grouped) and search for shapes within them to find outlined shapes with specific colors.

Then i want to remove them but i also need to store them to apply the removed color again. Butthat doesn't work.

I can do 


But when i do 

HiddenOutlines(index) = Shape.Outline

Here is my code:

'Colors i want to hide when exporting and to show after it. Are loaded from a file. Already works, but isn't shown here'
Dim ExcludeColors() As String

'Array to store the outlines'
Dim hiddenOutlines() As Outline

For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.Pages.Count
For j = 1 To ActiveDocument.Pages(i).Shapes.Count
For k = 1 To ActiveDocument.Pages(i).Shapes(j).Shapes.Count

'Compare outline color with colors to exclude (ExcludeColors)'
For Each EColor In ExcludeColors
If ActiveDocument.Pages(i).Shapes(j).Shapes(k).Outline.Color.HexValue = EColor Then


'Resize Array +1'
Dim arrLength As Integer
arrLength = UBound(hiddenOutlines) - LBound(hiddenOutlines) + 1
ReDim Preserve hiddenOutlines(arrLength + 1)

'Not shure if it should be arrLength or arrLength + 1'
hiddenOutlines(arrLength) = ActiveDocument.Pages(i).Shapes(j).Shapes(k).Outline 'Runtime Error 91 object variable or with block variable not set '

End If

'Select and save the shape (ActiveDocument.Pages(i).Shapes(j).Shapes(k))'

Next k
Next j
Next i

'Normaly i would use hiddenOutlines here to apply outlines to them'