The one thing I still have to fire up Photoshop for... rotating images! Any ideas?


I am an Adobe convert and love working in CorelDRAW. For the most part, I don't use PhotoPaint except to occasionally make a quick edit. However, I have not been able to figure out how to precisely rotate a page in PhotoPaint the way I do in Photoshop... maybe you know a better way?

We get scanned documents, and occasionally they are crooked. In Photoshop, I open the document, use the Ruler tool to drag a line across the tilted portion that I'd like to be straightened, then choose Rotate > Arbitrary and use the pre-filled rotation percent. In other words, I can perfectly straighten an image just by drawing a line across what should be straight.

Does PhotoPaint have a similar, easy to use Rotate feature? I have found where you type in the rotation percent value... but it is difficult to guess and takes a few tries.



  • If you place the scanned bitmap in Draw, then double clicking it will change the 8 handles surrounding the bitmap, to double headed arrows, indicating that the selected object (bitmap) can be rotated by grabbing one of the corner handles and move it, thus rotate the bitmap.

    Is this what you are looking for?


    Hrm....Stefan posted while I was typing....but he said essentially the same thing ( about rotate handles ).

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