paint shop pro X2

Hi i dont see a forum for X2 so I am going to post here. I have a picture of a background and I have another picture of a limousine I am working on. What I am trying to do is take the picture of the limo out of the background it has on it and put it on the other background of a prettty waer fountain. I cant seem to paste it on the other pic without the background of the limo. I have been working on it trying to figure it out for over a week now and I am about to pull my hair out. I am new to the paint shop pro V2 so I have no clue what any of it means . Someone please help!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you

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  • Hi Kareebear,

    I am a Photo-Paint user rather than a PSP user, but I did download the trial to see what it was like and I can help you to some extent with your dilema. There are many ways to achieve what you want to do, here is just one of them:

    • open the image with the limousine and copy it to the clipboard
    • open the new background image and paste the limousine image onto it
    • open the layers palette and you will see 3 buttons right at the top of the palette; click on the drop-down arrow of the New Raster Layer button
    • choose New Mask Layer>Show All

    You have now created a mask layer which attaches to the limo layer and basically works as follows:

    • painting black onto the mask "hides" whatever you paint over on the Limousine Layer (e.g. paint over a wheel of the limo with black and it will vanish)
    • painting white onto the mask "shows" whatever you paint over on the Limousine Layer
    • painting with any shade of grey "partly" shows/hides whatever you paint over on the Limousine Layer (makes is semi-transparent)

    So all you need to do is paint out the original background of the Limousine image (layer) by painting onto the mask layer with black. When you have totally removed the unwanted original background of the limo and revealed the new background below it, you can bring back any parts of the limo you accidentally ersaed (hid) by painting with white.

    If you need any further clarification, please feel free to ask.


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