Of a sudden, none of myu brushes work. I can't draw, can't tint, can't smear.... very strange.
I can erase, resize, and use regular filters, but for whatever reason my brushes don't work.
I have checked the brush settings I know of, but ... no idea what to do.
I have also uninstalled and reinstalled, and that didn't change anything.
Other apps work fine, but I'm used to this one.
Any ideas?
I suppose that you tried to reset everything back to factory defaults, using the F8 key at PhotoPaint startup? If you have, and you still have the problem, put the CD in the drive and perform a Repair on your installation.
Yeah, tried both of those, and nothing happened.
Something is going on - when I open a file, draw on it (and see no effect) and exit, it asks if I want to save changes.
I have the layers window open, and don't see other layers where the marks might be hidden and there are none.
Very frustrating. Thanks, though!
Hello dershem; If the F8 didn't work you may want to try to uninstall it then reinstall again.