Problem running photopaint version 9 in windows-10

I have been using Corel Graphics Suite version 9 under windows-10 which I had obtained as an upgrade from Windows-7 and the only problem I'd noticed was that the eraser and other tools would 'jerk' up and to the left when activated by pushing the left mouse button.

I just re-installed windows-10, a clean install from an iso downloaded from MS and the first time I installed Corel Graphics Suite v9, everything seemed to work as it had under win-10 upgrade. Of course, the help wouldn't work so I applied a 'fix' involving a script run as admin. After that CGS wouldn't run until troubleshot for compatibility and run in win-xp SP3 mode. Now all seems to run but photopaint is FULL SCREEN with no minimize 'button' or resize button or menu toolbar.

I will try other compatibility settings because I think I saw that originally it was pre-XP.

Any help appreciated.

Y'r ol' Bud,  Fike

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  • Forrest, I had the same problems with the eraser and pen jumping up to the left top of screen and This was the fix!
    I was using a Nividia Graphics card, and my bios was set for on board graphics. So once i opened windows my Good aftermarket card would override the on board graphics. Once i went into my computers Bios and turned off the on board graphics (not giving the computer a choice) Corel was perfect!