making a book

I habe been publishing a newsletter and have been laying it up as a 14"x8.5" with back cover on the left and front cover on the right, so on and so on. How do a convert it to a book form so I can publish it as a e-book or pdf format. I want it set up as 8.5x7 so if people want to print it they can and it will come out formatted in the correct order. CAN ANYBODY HELP?

  • first, setup your docuemnt at the real size. For example, if you want an A4 magazine, the page size must be A4

    double click on the page's border. Choose a double-size page. For example, if you are using an A4 vertical, you must choose an A3 horizontal (2 A4)

    Go to "design", and choose "booklet" and "opposite faces". Ready. Press OK

    Adjust your design as you want, number of pages, and all your design. When you finished, go to the Print Preview.,, Magic! all what Paul Warren said is automatically ready.

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