Eraser has turned into a "paint" tool

I've been using X3 for a couple of years.  I often cut-out a portion of an image (jpeg usually) then use the eraser tool to remove unwanted portions of the object.  Until recently the "erased" portion of the object was transparent, i.e., the background image would show through.  Now the earaser "paints" the object with the either the background or foreground color (or white) none of which are transparent.  I do not know what I changed to cause this.  Nothing in the eraser tool properties appears to address this issue.  [Help (eraser)recommends "changing settings on the properties bar."]  Any insight would be appreciated.


No Data
  • I've discovered that the "eraser to paint tool" effect takes place when I've copied the object to a "cpt" file for editing that does not have an image background.  If I place the object over an file with a background image the eraser tool works as I think it should, i.e., it removes the erased portion of the object and lets the "background" image show through.  My "problem" is solved but if anyone can explain the difference in the two uses of the eraser tool, I would still like to know why (I don't see any utility in an eraser that "paints.")

