Corel and Apple - I'm addicted to Corel but alas not with my mac arghh!! Why and When?

I'm ddicted to Corel but alas not with my apple mac arghh!!!!!!! Why and When?

Please please please - I've moved from PC to Mac after 15 years intensively using it daily on a PC.

I use CDX3 on a PC at work but am unable to use it at all at home! I was forced to buy some Adobe Indesign & AI stuff but AI just does not cut it!

Please will Corel move back to us Apple users? if not how can i use X3? on my intel imac (without soiling it with windows)

I'd pay double for Corel on the mac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone concur?



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  • julesrichards said:

    I'd pay double for Corel on the mac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone concur?


    Are you unbalanced?  The Mac isn't worth what you pay for it let alone double for the software.  I'm going through hell with a MAC set up right now having to run 3 different versions of the operating system to support hardware/software.  I hope Apple get out of the computer business.
