Using Arabic Fonts in Curves..

Dear Sirs,
I've been using Corel DRAW for some time now, and although my use is somehow limited, I learnd some stuff, and to say the truth, I find the program interesting, but my problem is that I use Arabic fonts for graphic perpuses.
Till now, my way is to creat the paragraphs in word.doc, print it in PDF, save the PDF to *.ps (postscript) then import it to Corel (in Curves), and it is actually working great, but I only have two arabic fonts to use. All other fonts are rejected by Corel.
I already installed the fonts in Corel, and yes they are installed in Windows.
Please I need to enlarge my choices to some other fonts (arabic), please can you tell me how to enable these fonts through the same method I'm using, or if there is any other method to have the paragraphs written correctly in Arabic in a Corel Page.

I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium and Corel DRAW X3 English.

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    It's been a long time, but I'm back with great news for this issue.

    Here is the deal, I'm now using X4, but this solution works in all.

    To get the arabic text in curves using all the fonts you wish, all of them I mean!! and no errors what so ever.

    I simply discovered that the problem was related to the crappy Acrobat and not to corel. The PostScript that the Acrobat creats is not compatable with Corel, there for and for a rooty solution, I tried to get PostScript files without using Acrobat.

    It's simple, and here what you have to do:

    Install MS Publisher Imagesetter virtual printer

    To install the MS Publisher Imagesetter virtual printer, open the `Printers` settings folder, and click `Add Printer`. Select a local printer; since it is virtual, select the FILE: port. Specify `Generic` as manufacturer, and then you can choose the MS Publisher Imagesetter.

    This is a simple Vertual Printer that you can use directly from Word.doc or any other aplication, directly printing to your folder, then you will have to change the file from *.prn to *.ps and import it with Curves to Corel and Voala !!!

    Sure that the printer has some advanced properties that I did not check yet, but even without doing so, I was able to import 16 types of Arabic Fonts to corel..

    Hope this will help some solving this issue.

    Yours Jinx.

  • Hello,

    OK, I will tell you a secret that will solve all your issues,This is the frute of years of investigation.

    ok, it's like this:

    Install MS Publisher Imagesetter virtual printer

    To install the MS Publisher Imagesetter virtual printer, open the `Printers` settings folder, and click `Add Printer`.
    Select a local printer; since it is virtual, select the FILE: port. Specify `Generic` as manufacturer, and then you can
    choose the MS Publisher Imagesetter.


    After doing that, you can use the fonts you like ( with tables and pics and what so ever ) all in word. just like if you are writing in word.. Once finished, print the word with MS Publisher Imagesetter virtual printer. name the file and place it as you like. Once done, go to Corel and import the same file (curves) and you have it att with HD resolution.

    Notice 2 things:

    1- You have to define the size of the work space in word to get the result correct in corel.

    2- After installing the MS Publisher Imagesetter virtual printer, go to printer properties, then to advanced settings and change (Minimum Font size to download) from 600 pixel to 1 pixel.

    That's it, and enjoy your work.



    PS: what I give, is what others gave me before, so I'm still thankful.