Corel Draw X3 and Windows 8.1 Issues

I have Corel Draw X3 and have just purchased a Windows 8.1 desk top system.

Corel Draw X3 will install and run, but after installation the Windows 8.1 Start Screen Icons are not functional; the icon links doesn't work.  There are some issues when running the suite.

Does anyone know if Corel or Windows has a fix for running Corel X3 on Windows 8.1, without issues.

I really would like to run the Corel X3 on the Windows 8.1 system.

I've used Corel since ver. 3 or older, and based on my experience with Corel I do not want to buy into Corel X6 for use on Windows 8.1.  Corel has come a long way since the early days, but still lacking in follow-up revisions and patch fixes for their software.

Thanks, Danny.