Corel Draw X3 and Windows 8.1 Issues

I have Corel Draw X3 and have just purchased a Windows 8.1 desk top system.

Corel Draw X3 will install and run, but after installation the Windows 8.1 Start Screen Icons are not functional; the icon links doesn't work.  There are some issues when running the suite.

Does anyone know if Corel or Windows has a fix for running Corel X3 on Windows 8.1, without issues.

I really would like to run the Corel X3 on the Windows 8.1 system.

I've used Corel since ver. 3 or older, and based on my experience with Corel I do not want to buy into Corel X6 for use on Windows 8.1.  Corel has come a long way since the early days, but still lacking in follow-up revisions and patch fixes for their software.

Thanks, Danny.

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  • Hi.

    Sorry Danny, there isn't, and won't be any fix coming from Corel that enables Windows 8.1 to work with CorelDraw X3. Have you tried the virtual machine running XP inside Windows 8?

    Danny O said:
    Corel has come a long way since the early days, but still lacking in follow-up revisions and patch fixes for their software.

    Extension testing should be done to make all old versions of CorelDraw work with whatever future operating system Windows decides to release said no one ever. I could say it blows my mind to think you really believe what you said but it doesn't. This is the world we live in and many others probably think like this too. Not trying to disrespect you, just pointing out that your logic doesn't add up to the economy you participate in.

    Danny, I recommend X6. You upgraded your OS for the new features, to use newer hardware, why not upgrade CorelDraw for the same reason. If you want to stick with X3 that is surely fine. Use Windows XP or a virtual machine with XP in your Windows 8 environment.



