General Questions

General Questions

Why are artists so temperamental?

How does one combat burnout?

How do you get around “creative block”?

How do you tactfully work with people that have little taste?

Why can’t some designers see that AI is the design program pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth?

  • Cobaidh said:
    Why are artists so temperamental?

    Some are, if their decisions are driven by emotion more often than logic. Also, some artists tend to be the types that resent everything capitalism stands for. When they come to the realization that earning income as an production artist often revolves around the promotion of capitalistic endeavors, it conflicts with their internal values.

    Cobaidh said:
    How does one combat burnout?

    Burnout only means the person isn't enjoying what they're doing anymore.

    Cobaidh said:
    How do you get around “creative block”?

    I've not had this problem, but getting the content loosely onto the page and developing an initial color scheme helps.

    Cobaidh said:
    How do you tactfully work with people that have little taste?

    I show them what I've done. Case closed. :-D Then I charge about 60.00 hr, and get 100% of the money in advance for design time and the manufacturing run. Those are my non-negotiable terms, and I have all the work I want. One job last month was for more than 5,000.00. I'm meeting them again this week for an order double that size.

    Cobaidh said:
    Why can’t some designers see that AI is the design program pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth?

    The real problem isn't Ilustrator. It's Photoshop. Adobe users rarely use Illus IMO, since they don't like it or even understand it's purpose.

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