Mixing CMYK color into a Pantone Color!!

Hi buddies,

Is it possible to mix a percentage of one of the cmyk inks into a pantone color? I know it can be done with bitmaps into a raster editor like PP or PS but just wondering how it can be done with simple vectors, my current workaround is to make an extra shape over a pantone color and fill it and overprint that. but that doesn't always work on complex things like this in the attached image. In the image below I want to add some percentage of Black over the Pantone Orange.

  • If memory serves Corel prohibited that feature in the past to keep the user from creating what they thought was a spot color graphic that would onlyseperate as CMYK.  In the pqantone palette there are the base pigments that you can use and that will seperate as proper spot color.

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