Can't print grid lines on a scaled drawing

I drew a scaled architectural drawing using CoredDRAWX3 and used the grid lines view.  However, the grid lines don't appear on the print preview.  I tried saving the file as an Adobe PDF, but still don't get the grid lines on a print preview.  How do I configure my settings to get the drawing to print out with the grid lines???

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  • Linda said:
    How do I configure my settings to get the drawing to print out with the grid lines???

    best way;

    1. create your grid using the graph paper tool press "D"
    2. color the outlines
    3. move to bottom of visual stacking order (SHIFT + Page Down)
    4. right click, choose lock object

    Curiously, I was able "force" the grid print icon to appear in object manager through windows | dockers | object manager by fiddling with my mouse. BUT... don't do it in X3 or X4. Draw will freeze.
