creating a grid

 I am a novice user. I have a need to create various grids to demonstrate sales concepts.

Here are my variables.

1. Pitch. The distance from the center of one dot to the center of another dot

2. Pixels. Each Dot can contain from 1 to n dots within it.

3. I would like to enter a value for the pitch...i.e. 20mm, and then a value for the number of Dots tall (rows) and the number of Dots wide (columns). i.e. 48 rows/dots tall/high and 144 columns/dots wide.

4. I would like to create a rectangle i.e. 4'x8' and populate the dots within the rectangle.

 I have a spreadsheet that calculates the number of dots in each column and the number of dots in each row. to fill a given rectangle. I am trying to figure out how to translate the results of that excel formula into a corel grid that can provide me with a scale drawing.

If this request is something I should hire a consultant for and/or is out of the realm of this forum please let me know. Thanks in advance for your help.




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  • Hi Mike... Locate the Grid Tool on the left of your screen in the toolbox as in the screenshot - if the grid tool is not showing (I think it might be the Star by default), click on that tool and hold the button down and you will get a fly-out, you will find your grid in there. Now, from there, you can choose how many rows across and down you would like. Once you've entered the variables, simply click and drag and a grid will appear. You can resize that to whatever you require, or ungroup (ctrl U) them into individual boxes. Hope that helps mate. - Nick PS: Apologies if my post looks a little disjointed, I can't seem to get the text to appear beneath the screenshots for some reason.