I am preparing a multiple page document and would like to know if there is a method of importing separate .eps files into individual pages, with only one image per page. I have been using CorelDRAW X3 for awhile, but do not know any Visual Basic to create a macro to do what I am looking for. Is there any method of importing each file to a new page, rather than adding a new page and importing the file separately? Thanks.
I'm not to sure what you are trying to do. but to get "EPS's" into a file with a lot of pages you can half size CorelDraw and Windows Explorer and drag and drop if you don't like importing them.
I am sorry if I did not elaborate enough on my problem. The final document that I am working on will have around 80 pages and I was wondering if I could make the process of creating a new page and importing .eps files more automated. The only way I have been able to accomplish this so far was to manually add pages via the "plus" button at the bottom left corner of the workspace and page toolbar and import the image for each respective page. Also, I do understand what you mean by dragging and dropping the files from Windows Explorer, but that also only imports them onto the page I am currently on. Thanks.
You can try following:
1. Convert all eps files to cdr files by using macro File Converter - supplied with CorelDraw
2. Open all new cdr files – file open make a multiple files selection
3. Go to File – Publish to PDF – Settings – General – Select documents
4. Import result pdf file to CorelDraw