Best way to use CorelDRAW graphics in Microsoft Word

Dear Forum members,

This question has already been asked a couple of times on the forum, although in slightly different forms, so I thought it'd be the best to open it as a new topic. I hope you don't mind.

I would be interested which is the best way to import graphics created in CorelDRAW into Miocrosoft Word? I have tried a couple of methods but none of them seem to provide the results I'm seeking. These include:

- Export to a raster image (e.g. PNG) from Draw and import it to Word: this is OK, but the graphics lose their nice sharp edges and the anti-alising produces somewhat blurry results, so it's not very professional-looking.

- Export to EMF from DRAW and import it to Word: this produces sharp vector-like edges, but especially for more complex graphics, the result does not match the original design, so this method is not OK.

- Create a CorelDRAW object in Word: again, the results here are nice, but the CorelDRAW instance that is opened within Word when using this function is slowish and unstable. Moreover, when I try to edit the object by double-clicking it in Word I get an error message that CorelDRAW is not installed on my machine (though it certainly is) and thus the object cannot be re-opened for editing.

Am I missing something obvious here? Which is the best way to import CorelDRAW graphics into Word and get professional-looking results? Which way do you usually go?

I use CorelDRAW X3, MS Word 2013 and Windows 10 but I think this question applies to any other version of these programs just as well.

Thank you very much for your suggestions.

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