No KeyboaRD shortcut for Pick Tool??

Just had to do complete wipe & reinstall of Windows, Corel etc etc.
Please pardon my cynicism again and berate me if it is due BUT It appears that the most important tool PICK doesn't even have a shortcut
I could have sworn it was 'v' before the crash. PP has 'O'
But wait, it gets better, there is no entry in Customization for keyboard shortcut for Pick Tool.
Unless the most recent updates decided that it made too much sense and had to get rid of it?? NNnnnyyyaaaww??
This can't be true.
Please someone tell me that I have missed something here. April fools? maybe all month??

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  • Hi,

    Respectfully, I don't know why you're so pissed off. And yes, I think you missed the fact the isn't no keyboard shortcut assigned to the PICK TOOL. At least, I don't remember CorelDRAW ever having a keyboard shortcut for this tool. Personnaly, I've been customizing it since version 11 (When I dicovered I could do it).

    So, in Customization for the keyboard shortcut, there's nothing're right! But wait, it gets better...Just type in the keyboard shortcut of you're choice! And tadaaaaaaa! It works perfectly! If it doesn't work, can you send a PRINT SCREEN of your OPTIONS dialog box? There's probably a glitch with YOUR version...

    Sorry, if I'm rephrasing you, but I think before being demonstrating your anger and juging a hard working development team like they don't know heck about programming, simply asking for help can also do the trick...Many people on this forum can help...