font versions

Hi, all.  I recently had a problem crop up at my office - text within a .cdr file that I was working on cooperatively with a co-worker displayed differently on our computers. It turned out that we had different versions of the main font that was used in the file; they looked more or less the same, but subtle differences in the versions added up, resulting in a noticeably different look when it was opened on each of our PCs. 

So, my question is, are different font versions a common problem?  I wouldn't have thought to look for this as the source of the difficulty, but someone over at the CorelDraw newsgroup suggested that I look at the "modified" dates on each version of the font, and sure enough they were different.  Once my coworker and I had the same version of the font, the problem went away.


  • Thanks to everyone who responded; it's quite common in my office for two or more of us to work on a file before it is done, so we'll have to work on reconciling all of our font versions in-house.  It's distressing that different font versions are evidently so widespread; our print vendor typically prints directly from the native .cdr file that we send them; we send them the appropriate fonts, but there's still the possibility that they could print something using their version of a font, which could be subtly different from our version, and throw the whole thing off!  What a nuisance.

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