PSPX2 Resize Tool problem

First, I realize this is not a Paint Shop Pro forum but I just can't locate a forum for the X2 version.  Please move my inquiry if necessary.  (Just let me know where if you do).

 I have been using PSP since version 6.  Just purchased X2.

Before X2, using the RESIZE tool, one could simply press the keyboard combination CTRL+S to bring up the resize tool, set your parameters, especially the Pixel Dimensions using the Percent choice.  I always resize my graphics using 110%. I usually simply hit CTRL+S then click OK several times at that setting until I get the photo the size I want.

Well, in X2, once you set the new size at 110%, then click on OK, that percent number immediately goes back to 100% and I must then manually re-insert 110 again before I can click OK a third or fourth time, and so on.

Isn't there a way to keep that 110% in the box?  It sure isn't a shortcut any more!

Hope the X2 forum opens soon!

Many thanks,  Bill

ps:  Is it normal for my note to be posted at double-spacing?  I corrected this note manually but if you want my posts to be double-spaced, please let me know.