Changing quality of photograph


I am looking for some help in changing the quality of photographs.  I am starting my own business which relies on people sending me digitial photographs and some of the photogrpahs are not very good quality, either the resolution is too low, etc.  Is there a way in Corel Draw 12 or JASC to change the quality of a photograph to a high resolution or high quality photograph.

Any help would be greatly aprpeciated. 


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  • I do engraving and am receiving a lot of requests to put photos, usually people or animals, on wood, glass, etc. A poor photo to start with means you work like crazy and may or may not get a usable image. However, the customer does not recognize the amount of time this takes and is unwilling to pay for it. After several times of spending 10-20 hours and charging for 3 or 4, I now require at least a well detailed photo. Contrast can often be adjusted, touch ups done, and cutouts take care of a lot of background problems, but it really depends on what you start with. Up to recently I was willing to put in the extra time because I charged it up to a learning curve. But the others are right - garbage in cannot result in quality out. What makes a beautiful picture, does not necessarily make a good graphic.
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