Changing quality of photograph


I am looking for some help in changing the quality of photographs.  I am starting my own business which relies on people sending me digitial photographs and some of the photogrpahs are not very good quality, either the resolution is too low, etc.  Is there a way in Corel Draw 12 or JASC to change the quality of a photograph to a high resolution or high quality photograph.

Any help would be greatly aprpeciated. 


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  • A nifty trick to help, especially on those images where you will have a clipping path, is to use Corel Draw's Powerclip. If you have a low res of an object like a  cell phone and need a high quality floating image, you can carefully trace an outline around the 'jagged' lo res bitmap and then powerclip the bitmap inside the outline. You can scale it up then without your outside edges growing more stair-stepped. This won't help the detail away from the edges but will often make a marginal image usable.


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