Changing quality of photograph


I am looking for some help in changing the quality of photographs.  I am starting my own business which relies on people sending me digitial photographs and some of the photogrpahs are not very good quality, either the resolution is too low, etc.  Is there a way in Corel Draw 12 or JASC to change the quality of a photograph to a high resolution or high quality photograph.

Any help would be greatly aprpeciated. 


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  • I feel your pain brother! I have to try to produce *upmarket* work with low res and over-compressed images all the time. The jpeg artifacts at low compression are just horrible. One suggestion I have, which I've started doing recently goes like this: In Photopain there is a "touch up" tool in the red-eye reduction flyout. It adds slight blurs and acts as a sort of smoothing airbrush tool - great for quick on-the-fly blemish and wrinkle removal in portrait photos. It's also good for smoothing over those blocky jpeg artifacts. Because it's like a brush, not a filter, it's easier to smooth over the worst bits. But at the end of the day, you can't polish a turd. I'm doing a CD cover right now and the image I have is about 3cm's wide @ 72 dpi from a 1megpixel cellphone! So far I've experimented with duplicating the image 2 or 3 times, over-sharpening and over-blurring different layers and applying different blend modes... with some interesting results. I might post the two at some point as a comparison.
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