Help with Paint Shop Pro x2

I'm having a problem with Paint Shop Pro x2. I downloaded the 30 day trial version and everytime I try to open it up it says "This copy of Paint Shop Pro has expired, and will now terminate." I have no idea what this means and I've tried many of times to uninstall and reinstall. I've tried to download it using different email addresses and using different sites to download it from. I've also tried downloading Paint Shop Pro x1, but it does the same thing. Please help!

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  • There is a whole set of things you can try if your Vista machine won't read cds or DVDs. One of the problems could be Nero (the CD burner program) installed badly, and you must remove high and low filters then reinstall Nero. There can also be problems with Autoplay, autostart. If you're still having problems with this, let me know. I had the problem crop up on my Vista machine and fixed it, so I could give you some tips on what to try.

    Paul Riemerman

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