A peaceful scene at the Wanaque reservoir P1340269

Hi Everybody,
This is the Wanaque reservoir in late afternoon. Very peaceful.
There is a succession of these reservoirs starting with Monks reservoir
much further north.
There are scattered towns along the east side of these reservoirs.
The west side is absolute wilderness. No roads -- just a few hiking trails
which we are too old to climb any more.
Ellie and her "Committee to Save the Highlands" are fighting tooth and
nail to keep it that way. After all, it has to be preserved for the
occasional hiker who wanders through there. I'm on her side. It makes for
great photography scenes as well.
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  • Hello, Phil.

    Certainly it seems to be a very nice and quiet place. But what kind of handling was given to the photo? 

    If you have edited the picture, it would be interesting to show the BEFORE and AFTER states,

     with some explanation of how you got the result.

    After all, this is the main purpose of Forum – show us what Corel Suite (by PhotoPaint?) can offer us.Idea
