Training for CorelPhoto

- I am in need of CorelPhoto training. I am unemployed, so I have a zero budget for courses. I have had job offers, but they were retracted after it was found my Photo skills are limited.
I have been using Corel since Cdr3. I would say I'm advanced/expert at Draw, but in Photo I'm a novice.
Any help would be appreciated. Tom-
  • Hello Thomas; You can get training video's from Foster's web site ( ) they are not free but I'm sure they can help you. You can go to his web site and look around and you could email him telling him what you need to do and see if he can't help.


  • If you open CorelPhoto and go to Help you will see "CorelTutor".  Use this as a beginning.  The go to the index under help and go through each chapter.  There is an amazing amount of basic help built into the program.  Use it.

  • Hi Tom,

    -As suggested  try Fosters site and you will learn a lot.


    And if you go to the top of this screen -< COREL.COM < THEN CLICK ON SUPPORT <  learning < on line tutorials and tips and tricks.

    Also their is a lot of learning in PP by going up to the help files that are very well set out.

    Also their is a section in the help < workshop tour >  this will tell you all about the tools etc.

    Also open the hints docker this will help as well.

    And if you sit in front of the computer and open every menu bar item you will start to know what is their to use.

    Also from the start menu   < CDGS < documentation < guide book.

    Enjoy your learning and come back for more help.


  • thomasb825 said:
    - I am in need of CorelPhoto training.


    What are you requiring help with? Photo-Paint is a big programme and highly functional. You'd probably get a good start if you asked specific questions in here, in addition to the resources suggested by others.

    You need to break it down into what you want to learn ... such as layers (called Objects in Photo-Paint), masks, clip masks, channels, body shaping, skin smoothing, special effects, object creation, shading....etc.

    What are you wanting to do in Photo-Paint? Retouch photos, repair old ones, enhance new ones, create content, further enhance parts of your CorelDraw design elements which have been converted to bitmaps for more complex editing/effects, etc.?


  • Hi Tom,
        Here is my usual advice. 
    Get the book “Corel PhotoPaint” by David Huss.   The manual is also a good starting point.
        Try the library or sites which sell out of print books.
         When you get hung up on a specific topic, post your questions.