Need Help Trimming with Letters please

I am trying to use letters inside a photo and trim those letters out so that the photo has transparent letters inside.

I weld the text together. Select the text then select the photo and choose Arrange - Trim. It does trim but for some reason it is trimming way inside the outline area and not actually trimming the outline. Please help explain what I am doing wrong... THANK YOU!

Here is my photo. I would like the trimming to be closer to the black outline.

  • I'm not sure why you are welding the text together. Is your goal cut the text out of the photo? Try placing the text over the image, select both (just drag a selection box around both), then use Trim. Try using the Trim button on the property bar that shows when you have two objects selected.

    BTW, what is font are you using? Perhaps that is related to the issue.


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