Professional image editing software


One of my friends has been using Mac with 32 gb for his photo imaging business. He is a wildlife photographer.He needs to edit and photoshop D800 type of images.Recently he switched on to windows.

1.Which is the professional grade software on Mint for photo editing.
2.Are there any comparison articles bwtween Mint and Mac os which will help me to pursuade him to use Mint?


I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

whiteboard videos

  • Linux for graphics is limited.  I assume you mean Linux as you mention Mint.  Gimp is pretty much the creme of the crop on Linux for raster, and Inkscape for vector.  Both have limitations "professionals" might find troublesome.  Primarily this is lack of cmyk support, probably not something your friend is concerned with, but there are other limitations.  But he might not encounter those.

    I know people that can make MS Paint sing and dance.   So much depends on his ability to learn and adapt.  

    You would be kindest to advise him away from Linux if graphics is a vocation choice he wishes to pursue.  A super majority of the graphics industry avoid Linux with some caveats.  

    If he needs to run a load balanced server or such, Linux is fine.

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